Tutoring Action Plan
The Tutoring Action Plan (PAT) is part of the Student Orientation and Support Programme (PROA), focusing on tutoring between a professor (professor-tutor) and a student (student-tutee). The tutors guide the tutee students in terms of information, orientation and academic monitoring.
Tutoring sessions:
- David Almorza Gomar (david.almorza@uca.es)
- Alberto Ayala Sánchez (alberto.ayala@uca.es)
- Francisca Bernal Santamaría (francisca.bernal@uca.es)
- Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez (paloma.gilolarte@uca.es)
- Silvia González Fernández (silvia.gonzalez@uca.es)
- Carmen Caballero Nole (mariadelcarmen.caballero@uca.es)
- Dulce Eliche Moral (dulce.eliche@uca.es)
- María Gómez Martín (maria.gomezmartin@uca.es)
- Tamara Rodríguez González (tamara.rodriguez@uca.es)
- Inmaculada Antolínez Domínguez (inmaculada.antolinez@uca.es)
- Carmen Caballero Nole (mariadelcarmen.caballero@uca.es)
- Carmen Ana Domínguez Bravo (carmenana.dominguez@uca.es)
- María Revelles Carrasco (maria.revelles@uca.es)
- Antonio Zayas García (antonio.zayas@uca.es)
Tutoring sessions:
The tutors attend to all the needs that the students migh have, in the way that they consider appropriate in any given case and/or refer the students for help to the specialised UCA services.
Provide students with the possibility of having a person who can assist them and cover their possible academic, work and personal needs, that is, help the participating students plan their studies throughout the academic year, track their learning process, and provide them with the information on resources and tools of interest for their training and future labor market integration.
These sessions also help to identify learning difficulties and detect problems in the organization and coordination of studies. This allows to design consensual and adapted solutions in a participatory manner, between the tutor and the student. The tutors are also in charge of establishing trust with the tutee students, and in the event of detecting significant difficulties that affect aspects such as academic performance, or progress throughout the academic year of the student, they should be able to refer the student to the Psychological and Psychopedagogical Counselling Service (SAP) of the UCA in a timely manner.
Therefore, PAT functions in a way that:
- Promotes adaptation to the university context,
- Promotes the improvement of academic performance,
- Detects academic difficulties and contributes to their solution.
Supporting materials:
The proffessors – tutors dispose of the following supporting materials developed in order to help them carry out the tutoring sessions, that can be found on the Virtual Campus set up for this purpose:
- Guide with objectives and resources for each session.
- Guidance sheets prepared by the Psychopedagogical Counselling Service (SAP) on the following topics: Study techniques, Time management and organization for studying, Anxiety before exams, Organization and time management in the active search for employment, Communication skills in the workplace, among other topics.
- Follow-up sheets for the student tutees, as records of the information from the tutoring sessions.
The Tutoring Action Plan is carried out from the month of November and until September 30.
Students interested in participating in the PAT can register HERE